Milt’s Mindful Moment #2

Milt’s Mindful Moment #2

This month’s mindful moment is brought to you by the animal kingdom! (Bet you didn’t see that coming, did you?). More specifically, let’s take a quick look at what geese, American Bison (okay, buffalo) and rats have to offer music educators. Because they really do...
Milt’s Mindful Moment #1

Milt’s Mindful Moment #1

I’m guessing the word “mindful” caught your attention. Maybe the idea of “moment” also served to inspire you to read this little thing. As for “Milt”, well, “who” probably entered your mind. Let’s start with that. I’ve been fortunate to have a great career in the...
Biking For Band – Post 3

Biking For Band – Post 3

I rolled into the Annapolis City Dock around 11:30am on Wednesday, October 9th after leaving Santa Monica Pier on August 18th. It had been 53 days, three flats, four spokes, three tires and three rear wheels. There had been the heat dome in the southwest. The 160-...
Biking For Band – Post 2

Biking For Band – Post 2

The heat dome and triple digits. Miles of nothing but closed convenience stores and gas stations. Head winds of 10 to 25 mph. The never-ending climbs, including an 18-miler at the end of a 140-mile day, only days after a 160-mile, 24-hour stint through the high desert...
Biking For Band – Post 1

Biking For Band – Post 1

It’s 90 degrees with a 20+mph head wind. I’ve settled into a cadence and, with my head down, keep turning the cranks. Sweat is pouring off of me while the Kansas sun remains relentless. My tour bicycle is weighed down with everything I’ll need for my 3,200+ mile jaunt...