KHS America Academic Alliance
Band Artist Program
Band Artist Program
Upon acceptance as a Gold or Platinum Academic Alliance Member, directors from the member program are automatically invited to become KHS America Academic Alliance artists, within our Brand Advocacy Network Development (B.A.N.D.) program. In addition to Academic Alliance membership benefits for your program, participation as a B.A.N.D. artist provides rewards for YOU, the music educator. As a B.A.N.D. artist, you will have your own dedicated artist page on one of our brand websites.

You will also receive a KHS branded polo shirt, and personalized business cards. Additionally, you will be eligible to purchase KHS America brand instruments for your personal use at a special artist discount. (purchases for your school program do not qualify for this discount)
- Artist receives special discount on specific branded instruments (discount ranges from 50%-65% off MSRP depending on brand and model). Maximum 2 instruments per year. Artist pays for freight when applicable
- Company will feature artist picture, bio, and other artist information on the appropriate consumer branded website (Azumi, Jupiter, XO Brass, Mapex Marching, and/or Majestic Percussion)
- Artist will receive 250 branded business cards, a branded gift, and a Nomad stand of their choice
- Artist will be included as a Beta Tester and have periodic access to prototype instruments during select research and development projects
- Artist will have access at no additional charge to literature and promotional items (subject to availability) when used at events for promotional purposes.
- Artist must endorse/advocate the brand indicated below on this contract exclusively within the product category (i.e. saxophones, trumpets, marching drums, etc.)
- Company reserves the right to use the artist’s name, likeness, and verbal/written testimonials on websites, in advertising, press releases, catalogs, social media, and other marketing communication channels.
- Artist will be expected to provide regular and honest feedback regarding the quality of these instruments and accessories, marketing materials and programs, and customer service efforts in order to assist brand in continuous improvement efforts.
- Artist commits to providing company with new multi-media content in the form of images, videos, blog contributions, articles at least once per year. Content can be of a performance, product demonstration/testimonial, or music education focus.
- Artist agrees to recommend and advocate the brand checked below whenever possible
- Artist agrees to follow, participate in, like, and share the brand’s social media channels and content, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the appropriate brand blog etc.
For more information about the B.A.N.D. Artist Contract, please contact the Artist Relations Manager, John Richardson at