Educator Stories
A Teacher’s Perspective: The Power of Music
Originally Posted on May 4, 2015 in Music in a Minuet ... older I get, the more I am convinced that...
Dana Murray from Dojo Percussion is BANDED!
Dana Murray from Dojo Percussion shares how drumming can alter a person’s approach to life!
Christopher Foster –Armed Forces Percussion Player
Christopher, who plays percussion in our Armed Forces, speaks of when he first knew the drums were a part of him.
Mary Jean–Iowa Bandmasters Educator
Mary Jean discusses her beginnings in music, what brought her to the trumpet, and why she enjoys teaching young musicians.
Kim, Product and Education Coordinator for Warburton
Kim, the Product and Education Coordinator for Warburton, speaks of her love for music. She tells of how her musical journey started with the violin, but always led her back to her love of the trumpet.
A Different Drummer
A DIFFERENT DRUMMERBy Stephanie Murphy-LupoMr. Dick Cully is so intensely passionate about music, history, and patriotism:While dating in Manhattan in the 1940s, his...
Anthony Mazzocchi–Montclair State University
Tony Mazzocchi discusses how he “stumbled” on becoming an educator and the impact it has had on his passion of getting more kids involved in music.
Kristin Cushy–Central Middle School White Bear Lake MN
Kristin talks about her beginnings in music from her piano lessons, to reluctantly taking the violin and finding a home in percussion.
Robert Palmer-Elementary Music Teacher Midtown Community Elementary School
Robert Palmer talks of his journey from recorders, through clarinet, tuba, and eventually establishing the pep band at Monmouth University (NJ).