John Sevier Warrior Band
School Name: John Sevier Middle School
School Location: Kingsport, TN
School Mascot: Warriors
Platinum Member Since: 2018
KHS Brands Used: Jupiter, Majestic
About the Program: The band program in Kingsport, TN, was started in 1927. Kingsport Junior High transitioned to John Sevier Junior High in 1955. Later, Sevier became a middle school in 1978. The band has a long history of concert festival appearances with superior ratings and a dominant school in regional clinic bands.
“The Jupiter and Majestic lines provide top quality instruments that can take the daily usage of young students. The instruments play evenly and respond well. Service from our local dealer, Music Doctors, is always great. The Jupiter and Majestic representatives are always on hand to troubleshoot any issues or questions”