Ross N. Robinson Middle School Band
School Name: Ross N. Robinson Middle School
School Location: Kingsport, TN
School Mascot: Redskins
Platinum Member Since: 2018
KHS Brands Used: Jupiter, Majestic
About the Program: The band at RNR has continued a path of excellence that has been established from the beginning. Students regularly receive placement in our Upper East Tennessee Junior Band Clinic, with as many as 49 students receiving placement in the ensembles in a year and up to 11 first chairs within one school year. The band has participated in concert festival and received straight superior ratings. RNR Band has been invited to perform with the Symphony of the Mountains, one of our local professional orchestras. Students consistently participate and earn superior ratings in the Upper East Tennessee Solo & Ensemble Festival. We have expanded our small ensemble offerings and have included groups such as wind ensemble, jazz band, flute choir, and percussion ensemble. Our 8th grade band has an excellent retention rate into our high school program, with it being as strong as 95%.
“Jupiter instruments are quality instruments at a reasonable price. Instruments that perform consistently allow our students to experience success.”