After the recent passing of remarkable Australian musician, conductor, educator and music education advocate Richard Gill, I got to thinking of how much I enjoyed reading his memoirs, entitled “Give Me Excess Of It” several years ago. This amazing man possessed limitless spirit, stunning talents, infinite passion, unending dedication, boundless vision and captivating enthusiasm for music making and music education. After a minute in his presence, you understood you were in the company of an indomitable force and the musical conscience of not only his native country, but of the world.
The book is a joy to read. His writing is as beautiful as it is captivating. The stories are as poignant as they are thought-provoking. At times hilarious, uplifting, reflective, touching, fascinating, insightful, but always written from the heart and soul of someone who cared about music, humanity and education more than was imaginable. Find a bit of time in your hectic life, a comfortable place to relax, and enjoy – no, savor – reading every word of the story of one of the great figures of our profession.
Peter Loel Boonshaft, Director of Education
KHS America

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