Through his research, Dr. John Gottman concluded that successful relationships follow “The Magic Relationship Ratio.” That magic ratio is 5:1. In a successful relationship, for every one negative interaction, there are five or more positive interactions. When I first read about this, I immediately thought about my relationships with family and friends, and how it could help my personal life. But then I couldn’t stop thinking about how that “magic ratio” might be a wonderful tool in our teaching and rehearsing. Whether we are discussing a problem with a loved one, or trying to balance praise for progress with constructive criticism in our teaching, the magic might be in the ratio.  

Peter Loel Boonshaft, Director of Education
KHS America

About the Author

Dr. Boonshaft, Director of Education for KHS America, is the author of the critically acclaimed best-selling books Teaching Music with Passion, Teaching Music with Purpose, and Teaching Music with Promise. Dr. Boonshaft is currently on the faculty of Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, where he is Professor of Music. He was honored by the National Association for Music Education and Music For All as the first recipient of the “George M. Parks Award for Leadership in Music Education.”