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KHS America Alianza Académica


Membership Programs

Scholastic Members of the KHS America Alianza Académica receive access to benefits intended to enhance the student experience, promote program growth, and bring attention to the great work of music educators.

Membership levels include Plata, Oro, Platino, and Diamante.

Alianza Académica Benefits chart

Plata Level Membership

Plata Level Membership

Acceptance into the Plata Level of the KHS America Alianza Académica is easy!
Simply submit our Membership Application form.

Once a Plata Level Member, you will have access to the following benefits:

Exclusive Resources

Upon becoming an Alianza Académica Plata Level member, you will have the opportunity to subscribe to a quarterly newsletter containing articles and additional exclusive content. Other resources will include introductions to trusted retail partners in your area and assistance with curriculum development.

Access to Instrument Experts for Professional Development Days

In order to assist you in making more informed purchase decisions for your programs, we are happy to provide an expert on our instruments to appear as a guest presenter at your Professional Development Day, or similar event. We will assist in making the arrangements, and will cover all associated costs.

Click here to submit a request for a Presentation for Educators at Professional Development Day.

Appreciation Award Items

Upon acceptance as a Plata Level Member of the KHS America Alianza Académica, you will receive a display item recognizing the accomplishment of your program and letting others know that you have joined the Alianza. Similarly, as you progress to the Oro, Platino and Diamante Levels, display items will be provided in recognition of the status of your program, and functional gifts that may be useful to your program will also be included as recognition of the accomplishment.

In addition, when you are accepted as a Plata Level Member we want your participation to be visible to others online. This provides exposure for your program, while allowing us to let other music educators know that you have tried our instruments. To recognize your school, you’ll be included on the Alianza Académica Member Schools List.

View Plata Level Membership Criteria

Brand Advocacy and Support

Acceptance into the Plata Level of the KHS America Alianza Académica is easy!
Simply submit our Membership Application form.

Oro Level Membership

Oro Level Membership

Oro Level Membership in the KHS America Alianza Académica is reserved for programs with a history of Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instrument purchases. The benefits provided are in recognition of the favor that your program has already shown for our brands.

Once accepted as a Oro Level KHS America Alianza Académica Member, you will have ongoing access to ALL PLATA LEVEL BENEFITS, plus the following ADDITIONAL benefits:

Bonus Items as Reward for Purchase of Specific Instruments

In recognition of your efforts in music education, Oro, Platino, and Diamante Alianza Académica members will be eligible for bonus reward items on certain purchases. After the instrument purchase is made, you can submit a redemption form here on this website to receive your bonus item directly from us.

The list of available bonus items will be updated annually to coincide with the school calendar. Bid process must be initiated (or order placed) within the year that the bonus item is shown on the active list in order to qualify. No retroactive redemptions from previous school year purchases will be allowed.

Current list is as follows:

  • Every purchase of any Hohner or Hohnica Accordion will qualify to receive a free NOMAD NIS-C080 Accordion Stand, one free stand reward per each new accordion purchased.
  • Every purchase of any Jupiter or XO Trumpet will qualify to receive a free Hercules DS410B Trumpet Stand, one free stand reward per each new Trumpet purchased.
  • Every purchase of any H. Jimenez Vihuela will qualify to receive a free Hercules GS301B Stand, one free stand reward per each new Vihuela purchased.
  • Every purchase of any H. Jimenez Guitarrón will qualify to receive a free Hercules DS590B Stand, one free stand reward per concert Guitarrón purchased.
  • Every purchase of any H. Jimenez Electric Bass Guitar will qualify to receive a free Hercules GS414BPLUS Stand, one free stand reward per each new Electric Bass Guitar purchased.
  • Every purchase of any Mapex or Sonor Drum Set will qualify to receive a free Hercules HA103 Accessory Tray, one free accessory tray reward per Drum Set purchased.

Appreciation Award Items

Upon acceptance as a Oro Level Member of the KHS America Alianza Académica, you will receive a display item recognizing the accomplishment of your program and letting others know that you have joined the Alianza.

Additionally, you will receive a FREE Alianza Académica swag bag that includes a Jupiter backpack, an H. Jimenez Gig Pack, and more.

Annual Evaluation Opportunity

  • Allows Ensemble or Instructor to Receive Feedback from KHS Brand Affiliated Educator or Artist Once a Year
  • Evaluation to Occur Digitally (Recording, Video, Online…)
  • A List of Available Specialists will be Provided
  • Arrangements to be Made Through KHSA Artist and Educator Relation Manager

Ensemble Visibility

  • Access to Professional Logo Design for Your Ensemble
  • Social Media Feature on a Brand Platform
View Oro Level Membership Criteria
In addition to the Brand Advocacy and Support, we ask that Oro Members also adhere to the following criteria:

Written Testimonial

In order for us to better share your enthusiasm for our instruments, we ask that you provide a short statement in your own words telling us why you prefer our instruments or enjoy working with our company. This can be specific to a particular instrument model, cover an entire brand, or speak to the broader range of products that we offer.

This statement should be submitted as a part your application for Oro Level Membership in the KHS America Alianza Académica.

Click here for the application form.


Program to Display Brand Logo(s)

While we understand that this isn’t always allowed, and may sometimes not be appropriate, we do ask that you tastefully display our brand logos to demonstrate your affiliation with the KHS America Alianza Académica.

Examples of where logos might be displayed include:

  • Ensemble Trailers/Vehicles
  • Concert Programs
  • Ensemble T-Shirts
  • Ensemble Banners or Other Materials


KHS Brand Representation within Your Program

Since Oro Level Members of the KHS America Alianza Académica are to have some substantial previous purchase history of our instruments, we would like verification of the Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instruments that you already own. We have provided an easy form for you to document this.

Click here to access the Alianza Académica Instrument Value Form.

For Oro Level Qualification, we would like for your existing KHS instruments to carry a value in excess of 3,500 points, as calculated by the form. The assigned values are generous, so don’t be intimidated by this figure.

Please note: Instruments may not be duplicated on the Instrument Value Forms between the Band Track and the Latin Track of the Academic Alliance.


Future Purchase Commitment

For Oro Level Alianza Académica members, we ask that our instruments be included on any formal bid lists that are established at your school or within your district (if applicable), and that you strive to purchase at least 40% Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instruments moving forward. Purchases for an instrument that we don’t currently offer are excluded from this requirement.

Platino Level Membership

Platino Level Membership

Platino Level Membership in the KHS America Alianza Académica is reserved for programs with an extensive history of Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instrument purchases, and those who display preference for and loyalty to our brands. These exclusive benefits are in recognition of your work as an advocate for our brands.

Once accepted as a Platino Level KHS America Alianza Académica Member, you will have ongoing access to ALL PLATA and ORO LEVEL BENEFITS, plus the following ADDITIONAL benefits:

Complimentary Clinician Appearance

Upon request, we will facilitate the appearance of one of our clinicians at your school. This is a one time, no cost opportunity. Our Artist and Educator Relations Manager will communicate directly with you to determine the artist to be utilized based on your desired area of focus for your event, your schedule, and clinicians availability. This appearance can be utilized for a student and/or educator masterclass, clinic, or professional development day.

National Exposure

Featured Artist Page on the Alianza Académica Website
In addition to the recognition provided by being on our Alianza Académica Member Schools list on this website, Platino Level Members will also have their own featured Artist page.

Featured on brand websites and social media
We regularly utilize imagery and testimonials from performing ensembles on our brand websites, on social media, and in both print and digital advertising. On such occasions as school ensembles representation are required, we will focus on featuring our Platino Level Alianza Académica members. Such features will recognize your status, and help bring prominence to your school, as they are often seen by thousands of people. Such features are occasional, and will be at the discretion of KHS America.

Appreciation Award Items

Upon acceptance as a Platino Level Member of the KHS America Alianza Académica, you will receive a display item recognizing the accomplishment of your program and letting others know that you have joined the Alianza.

View Platino Level Membership Criteria
In addition to the Plata and Oro Level criteria, we ask that Platino Members also adhere to the following criteria:

KHS Brand Representation within Your Program

Since Platino Level Members of the KHS America Alianza Académica already own a considerable amount of our instruments, we would like verification of the Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instruments in your classroom. We have provided an easy form for you to document this.

Click here to access the Alianza Académica Instrument Value Form.

For Platino Level Qualification, we would like for your existing instruments to carry a value in excess of 7,000 points, as calculated by the form. The assigned values are generous, so don’t be intimidated by this figure.

We also ask that the Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instruments that you own represent at least 50% of your existing instrument inventory. This can be verified in person by a representative from KHS America or an authorized Alianza Académica Dealer.

Please note: Instruments may not be duplicated on the Instrument Value Forms between the Band Track and the Latin Track of the Academic Alliance.


Future Purchase Commitment

For Platino Level Alianza Académica members, we ask that our instruments be included on any formal bid lists that are established at your school or within your district (if applicable), and that you strive to purchase at least 60% Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instruments moving forward. Purchases for an instrument that we don’t currently offer are excluded from this requirement.


Instrument Exposure

As important advocates for our brands, we expect Platino Level Alianza Académica members to provide opportunities for allowing other programs, educators and students opportunities to try our instruments, or see them used in high-profile performance settings. The frequency of this need not be regularly occurring, and a variety of activities would qualify. Such activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Event/Ensemble Hosting
  • Contests/Festivals
  • High-Visibility Performance
  • State Convention
  • National Convention


Photography and Logos Provided to KHS America

For us to be able to give you the recognition that you deserve, you will need to provide us with files of any logos associated with your school or your program for our usage, and ensure that we have proper permission to use these logos. Additionally, some photography of your program will be required for us to promote the great work that you do, the Alianza Académica itself, and our brands. We will also utilize this in our continuing efforts to advocate for music education. Since photos of your program will often depict minors, we may require your assistance in obtaining permission to utilize the images freely.


Participation in KHS Brand Social Media Channels

As an extension of your advocacy of our brands, we ask that you (the music educator) participate in our social media channels (on Facebook, X and Instagram). We ask that you stay connected with the activity on these channels, occasionally contribute content, and participate in conversations where your experience offers insight on our instruments. We also encourage you to invite your students to participate as well.

Diamante Level Membership

Diamante Level Membership

Diamante Level Membership in the KHS America Alianza Académica is reserved for programs with an extensive history of Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instrument purchases, and those who display preference for and loyalty to our brands. These exclusive benefits are in recognition of your work as an advocate for our brands.

Once accepted as a Platino Level KHS America Alianza Académica Member, you will have ongoing access to ALL PLATA, ORO and PLATINO LEVEL BENEFITS, plus the following ADDITIONAL benefits:

Press Release

Upon the acceptance of your school into the Diamante Level of the KHS America Alianza Académica, we will draft a Press Release recognizing your achievement to be distributed through all available KHS America channels and shared with all appropriate press outlets.

Complimentary Artist Performance

Upon request, we will facilitate the performance of one of our artists at your school. This is a one time, no cost opportunity. Our Artist and Educator Relations Manager will communicate directly with you to determine the artist to be utilized based on your desired area of focus for your event, your schedule, and artist availability.

Appreciation Award Items

Upon acceptance as a Diamante Level Member of the KHS America Alianza Académica, you will receive a display item recognizing the accomplishment of your program and letting others know that you have joined the Alianza.

Additionally, you will receive a credit towards Hercules and/or Nomad stands to be used by your program.

View Diamante Level Membership Criteria

In addition to the Plata , Oro, and Platino Level criteria, we ask that Diamante Members also adhere to the following criteria:KHS Brand Representation within Your Program

Since Diamante Level Members of the KHS America Alianza Académica already own a considerable amount of our instruments, we would like verification of the Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instruments in your classroom. We have provided an easy form for you to document this.

Click here to access the Alianza Académica Instrument Value Form.

For Diamante Level Qualification, we would like for your existing instruments to carry a value in excess of 14,000 points, as calculated by the form. The assigned values are generous, so don’t be intimidated by this figure.

We also ask that the Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instruments that you own represent at least 70% of your existing instrument inventory. This can be verified in person by a representative from KHS America or an authorized Alianza Académica Dealer.

Please note: Instruments may not be duplicated on the Instrument Value Forms between the Band Track and the Latin Track of the Academic Alliance.


Future Purchase Commitment

For Platinum Level Academic Alliance members, we ask that our instruments be included on any formal bid lists that are established at your school or within your district (if applicable), and that you strive to purchase at least 80% Hohner, H. Jimenez, Jupiter, XO, Hercules, Mapex, and Sonor instruments moving forward. Purchases for an instrument that we don’t currently offer are excluded from this requirement.

Still Have Questions?

View our FAQs page or email us to see what we can do for you!