#184. “Depends On Who You Ask”

#184. “Depends On Who You Ask”

I recently saw an adorable poster that caught my eye. It showed a very large dog standing next to a very small dog. Both had obviously been standing in mud about six inches deep. The difference was that the large dog had mud coating her fur on the bottom six inches of...
#183. Consonant Mistakes

#183. Consonant Mistakes

Wouldn’t it be great if every mistake our ensemble made was as noticeable as a unison being played as a minor second?! Those obvious mistakes we can pick out and remediate almost instantly. The problem I often notice is when mistakes are “consonant” in nature. Those...
#182. The Essence

#182. The Essence

At the start of your next rehearsal, after you have the ensemble’s undivided attention, before you say a word, have them watch you write the following quote on the board. I wouldn’t say a word. I would simply look at it for a few seconds, then look at them for a few...
#181. Thinking About Thinking

#181. Thinking About Thinking

Many decades ago, when I started teaching, if I asked a student how many sharps there were in the key of D major, and they said two, I would celebrate and move on. But all too often the ensuing minutes or days would prove that the student really didn’t know or...
#180. Double-Sided Tape

#180. Double-Sided Tape

For beginners, and many not beginners, keeping their fingers on valves and keys, or thumbs and hands in the correct place, is a challenge. How’s that for an understatement?! An easy trick to help remind them where those digits go, or more importantly, where they...