#259. Really?

#259. Really?

I had a dream the other night that we, as music teachers, were completely insulated from budget reductions, and staff and program cuts. In short, we had it made, never to worry about advocacy for music education ever again. It was wonderful. It was beautiful. It was...
#258. Elephants?

#258. Elephants?

If your young students are anything like mine were, getting them to understand the concept of first and second endings created a challenge, to say the least. Let’s face it, it is a bit counterintuitive when you think of it through the lens of a beginning student. But...
#257. Why?

#257. Why?

The astounding author Mark Twain said that “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Each of us experienced those prophetic words when we decided to make our life’s work the teaching of young people. We had a...
#256. “Every day…”

#256. “Every day…”

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, a contestant by the name of Alysha Rooks on the TV game show Jeopardy offered words that are at once stunningly true and remarkably empowering. During a “Double Jeopardy” round, there were four clues for which no contestant had a correct...
#255. “The Thing That Happens…”

#255. “The Thing That Happens…”

For many of us, we recently started a new school year. A new start full of promise. It represents a clean slate for us to write a new story.  It is a time of renewal, reflection, and resolve. It is a time to resolve to do those things we want to start doing, as well...