#161. “Eat That!”

#161. “Eat That!”

In the days of cavemen and cavewomen, Leslie Goldman wrote, “because life was precarious and food was scarce, when we spotted fruit, seeds, or grass, our brains shouted, ‘Eat that!’ We ate the berries, they tasted good, and that in turn prompted our brains to release...
#160. Beauty

#160. Beauty

Some of you may have heard me speak about my mantra. Believe it or not, I only have one. Though I believe a lot of things, espouse many beliefs, and am adamant about many ideas, I have only one thing that rises to the level of being my personal mantra. I have held it...
#158. Amy Couldn’t Be More Correct!

#158. Amy Couldn’t Be More Correct!

Amy Poehler affirmed, “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” Could any words describe the essence of education better? Every day, teachers challenge and inspire students to learn and...
#157. Reveal That Person

#157. Reveal That Person

I once had a fortune cookie that simply read: “Circumstances do not make the person; circumstances merely reveal that person to themselves.” The power of those words have long stayed with me. Maybe now more than ever we should think about what we reveal about...