by Peter Boonshaft | Oct 20, 2020 | Boonshaft's Blog
Through his research, Dr. John Gottman concluded that successful relationships follow “The Magic Relationship Ratio.” That magic ratio is 5:1. In a successful relationship, for every one negative interaction, there are five or more positive interactions. When I first...
by Peter Boonshaft | Oct 13, 2020 | Boonshaft's Blog
I have always been proud of being a teacher. More so, I have always been proud of each of our colleagues. But never in my life have I been prouder of what each of you has done, and will do, so that every child experiences the wonders of music – even in the face of a...
by Peter Boonshaft | Oct 6, 2020 | Boonshaft's Blog
As all of us have had to adapt to our new world, including the ways we must teach and the ways our students must learn, it makes me realize how much I have taken for granted over the past 41 years of teaching. I wish I could get all of those years back. All of those...
by Peter Boonshaft | Sep 29, 2020 | Boonshaft's Blog
Within the first millisecond of trying to use any meeting platform to have a gaggle of clarinets play at the same time, it becomes painfully obvious that simple pre-pandemic activity is virtually (no pun intended!) impossible. Though the latency issues that make this...
by Peter Boonshaft | Sep 22, 2020 | Boonshaft's Blog
Among the greatest concerns we have as we work through this school year is how we can start beginning band students in the “new normal” we find ourselves. Whether its mouthpiece testing, instrument suitability checks, teaching assembly and disassembly, posture,...