by Peter Boonshaft | Nov 12, 2019 | Boonshaft's Blog
Teachers are an amazing lot. Equal parts talent, perseverance, patience, wisdom, drive, passion, stamina, empathy, and about 200 other attributes. But we also all encounter frustration. The amount of that frustration can be tiny or enormous, and the...
by Peter Boonshaft | Nov 5, 2019 | Boonshaft's Blog
Orson Scott Card wrote: “To a man with only a hammer, a screw is a defective nail.” Far too often over the years I have found it easy to use the success and progress of most students to rationalize one student’s lack of success. It seemed to follow that if ten...
by Peter Boonshaft | Oct 29, 2019 | Boonshaft's Blog
I firmly believe a good rule of thumb for all brass players is that the angle of the lead pipe should follow the angle of the jaw. Though there are certainly exceptions, especially for students with special or unusual bone structures, but I have found those to be few...
by Peter Boonshaft | Oct 22, 2019 | Boonshaft's Blog
Do you have fun in rehearsals? Do your students have fun in rehearsals? Maybe not every minute of every rehearsal, but in general? I am convinced that if the first is true, the second will be too. I love rehearsals. I really do. They are some of the most intense...
by Peter Boonshaft | Oct 15, 2019 | Boonshaft's Blog
Many versions of this remarkable poem abound, each with slightly different sentiments. But this is my favorite. I ask that the next time you walk toward your school, and hopefully see a gorgeous big tree, that you will take a moment to reflect upon the wisdom it...