#71. Biography

#71. Biography

The word biography is often defined as an account of someone’s life written by someone else. For us as teachers, our biography, in great measure, will be written by those we teach. Our students – each of them – will contribute to that imaginary tome, that...
#70. 5 Minutes

#70. 5 Minutes

At your next rehearsal, try saying nothing but positive things for 5 minutes straight. It sounds easy, but once you try it, you realize just how hard it really is to do. We are so used to saying positive things and then following those words up with a prescription for...
#68. He Is No Fool

#68. He Is No Fool

Jim Elliot once wrote, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” As teachers, we can “give” as much energy, enthusiasm, excitement and passion as we can muster in every rehearsal we do, and it will never deplete our supply, for we were...
#67. An Essential Ingredient

#67. An Essential Ingredient

When our students start to feel frustrated by that which doesn’t come easy, by that which is a profound challenge, by that which makes them question their efforts, I can think of no better lesson, no better words than those of Eloise Ristad when she wrote, “…it is...