#60. A Soprano?

#60. A Soprano?

I am often asked by band directors for suggestions about books to read.  And I always worry about doing so for fear it will be like recommending a favorite restaurant to a friend only to find out that they went there and thought it was terrible.  With heartfelt...
#59. Impossible

#59. Impossible

Cicero, the great philosopher, held that one of The Six Mistakes of Man was “Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.” When I think something not doable, more importantly, when I fear my students think something not doable, I always...
#57. Hearing is Believing

#57. Hearing is Believing

The next time you are about to read a new piece with your band, especially if it is during the first few rehearsals of the school year, record them. That’s right! Then hold on to that gem. Sit on it. Wait. Wait some more. Keep waiting. And then, after great progress...