#56.  Buzz

#56. Buzz

During your next rehearsal, while working on a chorale, ballad or lyrical passage in a piece, ask your brass players to buzz their parts on their mouthpieces while the rest of the band performs normally.  I actually prefer having only one section at a time buzz rather...
#55. The Wisdom of a Cookie

#55. The Wisdom of a Cookie

When correcting a student in rehearsals, I always worry about whether I make it clear enough that I am speaking about the actions or behavior of that student, not criticizing the person.  I hope they understand I am unhappy with what was done, not unhappy with them as...
#54. Hope

#54. Hope

Do you ever get frustrated with the progress of your ensemble?  Me too.  But no matter the cause of our frustration, no matter the hurdles we must jump, no matter the tiny steps we might have to have our students take, no matter the repetitions needed, no...
#53. Still I Am Learning

#53. Still I Am Learning

Fact: I want my students to relish learning new things. Fact: My students will often model and imitate the things I do. Fact: My students should see me excited about learning something new. So, how about you walk into a rehearsal and share something new with your...
#52. Confidence

#52. Confidence

James Russell Lowell asserted that “More men fail through ignorance of strength than through knowledge of their weakness.” That is probably true, but I would contend even more people fail from a lack of confidence in their ability than through ignorance of strengths....