#26. One Moment

#26. One Moment

Graham Greene stated, “There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.” When you think about these simple yet profound words, the awesome responsibility of our work is made clear. For many of our students, that doorway...
#25. Be

#25. Be

As the wonderful quote states, “Be the change you want in the world.” Be the change you want in your rehearsals. Be the change you want in your attitude. Be the change you want in your preparation. Be the change you want in your creativity. Be the change...
#24. Five Words

#24. Five Words

So often I catch myself talking way too much in rehearsals. Sometimes it’s necessary, but far too often I’ll babble on and on, when a few succinct words would have been far more effective and efficient. So, try using only five words or less whenever...
#23. Smile

#23. Smile

I recently saw an advertisement that read, “Smile. It’s contagious.” And I couldn’t help, well, smiling. It’s absolutely true and we all know it. So I started the next rehearsal by just standing in front of my students wearing a giant...
#22. Why Not?

#22. Why Not?

I bet we could come up with a thousand reasons why something we want to do in our classes or rehearsals is impossible, because of the hurdles we’ll face as teachers. But if there is one good reason to do it that is important enough, then it’s worth...