Boonshaft’s Blog
#30. Getting Administrators Involved
Too often administrators don't understand the process of what we do in band. Help them understand what we do and how we do it. Make them a part of a...
#29. Marking Progress
Why is it that all too often students feel they have enough time to go back and rehearse something over and over again because they think they will...
#28. Difficult = More
The more daunting the task to be done, the greater number of incremental smaller tasks that will be required. The more challenging the goal to be learned,...
#27. Take A Trumpet Out For A Walk
As we look toward recruiting students for next year, try simply walking through the halls before and after school, or during lunches, with different...
#26. One Moment
Graham Greene stated, "There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in." When you think about these simple yet profound...
#25. Be
As the wonderful quote states, "Be the change you want in the world." Be the change you want in your rehearsals. Be the change you want in your attitude....
#24. Five Words
So often I catch myself talking way too much in rehearsals. Sometimes it's necessary, but far too often I'll babble on and on, when a few succinct words...
#23. Smile
I recently saw an advertisement that read, "Smile. It's contagious." And I couldn't help, well, smiling. It's absolutely true and we all know it. So I...
#22. Why Not?
I bet we could come up with a thousand reasons why something we want to do in our classes or rehearsals is impossible, because of the hurdles we'll face...