Boonshaft’s Blog
#23. Smile
I recently saw an advertisement that read, "Smile. It's contagious." And I couldn't help, well, smiling. It's absolutely true and we all know it. So I...
#22. Why Not?
I bet we could come up with a thousand reasons why something we want to do in our classes or rehearsals is impossible, because of the hurdles we'll face...
#21. Pandemonium?
Do you have a habit you do in rehearsals that you want to break? Engage your students in the effort. Tell them you need their help in trying to break a...
#20. Frustration
As a teacher, frustrations are inevitable. How we respond to those frustrations are often the measure of who we are – as much as what we do. So when...
#19 …Dream Of Being More
I walked into class this morning and wrote these remarkable words on the board. I said nothing about it. I didn’t draw attention to it in any way. I...
#18. Ten Seconds
Compelling research states that when presenting to a group, we have ten seconds to “grab” their attention. If we don’t, we have probably lost them to...
#17. No Better Feeling
There is no better feeling than helping our student have a great rehearsal. And I am sure we can all agree that the more prepared we are, the better it...
#16. Write It and Say It
Recent research tells us that we remember 10% of what we hear. We remember 20% of what we read. But, that if we read it and hear it, we don’t just...
#15. They Will
The wonderful old saying prescribes, "Act as if the quality you seek is already within you and it will be." I think that wisdom holds just as true when it...