Boonshaft’s Blog
#15. They Will
The wonderful old saying prescribes, "Act as if the quality you seek is already within you and it will be." I think that wisdom holds just as true when it...
#14. Guided Listening
If I had a dollar for every time in a rehearsal I instructed an ensemble "to listen," I would be writing this blog on my private island in the Caribbean....
#13. Believe
As you walk into your classroom today, remember these words of Anatole France, "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only...
#12. Time To Teach
When I start to feel the weight of all that we have to teach our students, and the tiny amount of time we have to do it in, my pace starts to get faster...
#11. Practice More
What got you hooked on music? Was it practicing scales in a practice room? If it was, you are a sick individual in need of professional help. It was...
#10. Change
At a music education symposium last week, I was asked a question that really gave me pause. Actually, it stopped me dead in my tracks. Ready? Here it is:...
#9. The Best Time…
One of my favorite sayings is the wonderful African proverb that reminds us that "The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago, the next best time is...
#8. Scatter
The next time you see your band, tell them that you are going to do a “scattered” rehearsal. Explain that they can sit anywhere in the room they want, as...
#7. Repeating Directions
I got into a routine, well, more like a rut. During rehearsals, after stopping to correct something. I would identity the problem spot, state what was...