#158. Amy Couldn’t Be More Correct!

#158. Amy Couldn’t Be More Correct!

Amy Poehler affirmed, “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” Could any words describe the essence of education better? Every day, teachers challenge and inspire students to learn and...
#157. Reveal That Person

#157. Reveal That Person

I once had a fortune cookie that simply read: “Circumstances do not make the person; circumstances merely reveal that person to themselves.” The power of those words have long stayed with me. Maybe now more than ever we should think about what we reveal about...
#156. How Do We Show Up?

#156. How Do We Show Up?

Each of us finds ourselves teaching differently than a year ago. How’s that for an absurd understatement? Our “classroom” may be a computer screen or a dozen students spread out in a gymnasium. Our proximity to our students may be 6 feet away or may be miles away...
#155. The Glass

#155. The Glass

Though I desperately try to be an optimist, sadly, my nature doesn’t make that easy. I envy those who always see the glass as half full. Unless I work at it, I don’t just see the glass as half empty, I see it shattered on the floor. I do, however, work at being better...
#154. The Choice Is Ours

#154. The Choice Is Ours

As we live through these uncertain, ever-changing times I think each of us would be well-served to remember the words of Bertram Carr, that we can view everything “in the spirit of the optimist to whom every difficulty is an opportunity, and not as the pessimist, to...
#153. It Takes Time

#153. It Takes Time

About 45 years ago, in an undergraduate psychology class, I learned that it took 21 days to develop a new habit. At that time, while studying to be a teacher, I remember thinking how that “fact” would make my future teaching more difficult. Twenty-one days for a...