KHS America Academic Alliance
Membership Criteria
Silver level Scholastic Membership in the KHS America Academic Alliance is as simple as completing our Membership Application form. Membership levels include Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Qualification Criteria for Membership

View detailed membership qualification criteria below.
Silver Level Membership Criteria
Silver Level Membership Criteria
Acceptance into the Silver Level of the KHS America Academic Alliance is easy!
Simply submit our Membership Application form.
Once a Silver Level Member, you will have the opportunity to receive exclusive monthly resources and access to product experts for professional development days.
Gold Level Membership Criteria
Gold Level Membership Criteria
In addition to the Brand Advocacy and Support, we ask that Gold Members also adhere to the following criteria:
Written Testimonial
In order for us to better share your enthusiasm for our instruments, we ask that you provide a short statement in your own words telling us why you prefer our instruments or enjoy working with our company. This can be specific to a particular instrument model, cover an entire brand, or speak to the broader range of products that we offer.
This statement should be submitted as a part your application for Gold Level Membership in the KHS America Academic Alliance.
Click here for the application form.
Band Program to Display Brand Logo(s)
While we understand that this isn’t always allowed, and may sometimes not be appropriate, we do ask that you tastefully display our brand logos to demonstrate your affiliation with the KHS America Academic Alliance.
Examples of where logos might be displayed include:
- Band Trailers/Vehicles
- Concert Programs
- Band T-Shirts
- Other Event Materials
KHS Brand Representation within Your Band Program
Since Gold Level Members of the KHS America Academic Alliance are to have some substantial previous purchase history of our instruments, we would like verification of the Jupiter, Mapex, Majestic, XO, and Azumi instruments that you already own. We have provided an easy form for you to document this.
Click here to access the Academic Alliance Instrument Value Form.
For Gold Level Qualification, we would like for your existing instrument to carry a value in excess of $60,000.00, as calculated by the form. The assigned values are generous, so don’t be intimidated by this figure.
Please note: Instruments may not be duplicated on the Instrument Value Forms between the Band Track and the Latin Track of the Academic Alliance.
Future Purchase Commitment
For Gold Level Academic Alliance members, we ask that our instruments be included on any formal bid lists that are established at your school or within your district (if applicable), and that you strive to purchase at least 50% Jupiter, Mapex, Majestic, XO, or Azumi instruments moving forward. Purchases for an instrument that we don’t currently offer are excluded from this requirement.
Platinum Level Membership Criteria
Platinum Level Membership Criteria
KHS Brand Representation within Your Band Program
Since Platinum Level Members of the KHS America Academic Alliance already own a considerable amount of our instruments, we would like verification of the Jupiter, Mapex, Majestic, XO, and Azumi instruments that are in your classroom. We have provided an easy form for you to document this.
Click here to access the Academic Alliance Instrument Value Form.
For Platinum Level Qualification, we would like for your existing instruments to carry a value in excess of $120,000.00, as calculated by the form. The assigned values are generous, so don’t be intimidated by this figure.
We also ask that the Jupiter, Mapex, Majestic, XO, and/or Azumi instruments that you own represent at least 50% of your existing instrument inventory. This can be verified in person by a representative from KHS America or an authorized Academic Alliance Dealer.
Please note: Instruments may not be duplicated on the Instrument Value Forms between the Band Track and the Latin Track of the Academic Alliance.
Future Purchase Commitment
For Platinum Level Academic Alliance members, we ask that our instruments be included on any formal bid lists that are established at your school or within your district (if applicable), and that you strive to purchase at least 80% Jupiter, Mapex, Majestic, XO, or Azumi instruments moving forward. Purchases for an instrument that we don’t currently offer are excluded from this requirement.
Instrument Exposure
As important advocates for our brands, we expect Platinum Level Academic Alliance members to provide opportunities for allowing other band programs, educators and students opportunities to try our instruments, or see them used in high-profile performance settings. The frequency of this need not be regularly occurring, and a variety of activities would qualify. Such activities may include, but are not limited to:
- Event/Ensemble Hosting
- All-Region or Similar
- Contests/Festivals
- Community Band
- High-Visibility Performance
- State Convention
- National Convention
- State Marching Band Contest
- BOA Regionals/Grand Nationals
Photography and Logos Provided to KHS America
For us to be able to give you the recognition that you deserve, you will need to provide us with files of any logos associated with your school or your band for our usage, and ensure that we have proper permission to use these logos. Additionally, some photography of your band will be required for us to promote the great work that you do, the Academic Alliance itself, and our brands. We will also utilize this in our continuing efforts to advocate for music education. Since photos of your band will often depict minors, we may require your assistance in obtaining permission to utilize the images freely.
Participation in KHS Brand Social Media Channels
As an extension of your advocacy of our brands, we ask that you (the music educator) participate in our social media channels (on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). We ask that you stay connected with the activity on these channels, occasionally contribute content, and participate in conversations where your experience offers insight on our instruments. We also encourage you to invite your students to participate as well.
Still Have Questions?
View our FAQs page or email us to see what we can do for you!