#213. Every Step

#213. Every Step

Before class or rehearsal one day, write the following anonymous quote on the board: “Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of yourself every step you take toward reaching that goal.” Don’t say...
#212. “Where Am I?”

#212. “Where Am I?”

In my previous blog, I discussed a specific way to use a video recording to help assess your conducting. Here’s another terrific technique. Video yourself conducting a piece from beginning to end. If the piece has several movements, record them all. Then, with the...
#210. Practice Can Make Perfect

#210. Practice Can Make Perfect

The next time you have a student or an entire ensemble continually stumble on one note when playing a run or fast passage, try this. Have them hold that “bad” note. Then have them start on that note and continue the passage until it is firmly corrected....
#209. Let Me Tell You A Story

#209. Let Me Tell You A Story

I love to tell stories, use metaphors, or make analogies in rehearsals. I’ve always felt it was a great way to connect with students, to describe an image of something we’re trying to create musically, to emotionally connect all of us with the music we are...