#191. Apples

#191. Apples

Last evening, I received an email from a student who is in a course I am teaching. The student explained that he was telling his mother about his new classes and professors. When he got to my class and mentioned my name, his mother interrupted and said, “I think your...
#190. A Good Book

#190. A Good Book

One of the best ways I know to recharge my teaching and ignite my spirit is to read a good book. The Power of Positive Students by Dr. William Mitchell is a book that will surely make you think, inspire you, and leave you wondering about ways to be even more...
#189. Twenty-Two Times!

#189. Twenty-Two Times!

Over the years, when it comes to convincing students to do something – whatever it is – I’ve had the feeling that if they hear it from another student, it happens far more often than when they hear it from me. Whether it’s trying to recruit students to join band or...
#188. The Little Notes

#188. The Little Notes

For as long as I can remember I’ve tried to figure out what makes remarkable performers and conductors, well, remarkable. I don’t mean just good. I mean the greatest of the greats. I bet we could all fill books with what we believe makes them so very special, but a...