#86. A Good Teacher…

#86. A Good Teacher…

I was recently part of a question and answer panel discussion at a music teachers conference. The questions were really terrific and thought-provoking. But one of them really made me think. Ready? Here it comes: “What is the single hardest part of being a teacher?” It...
#85. Process Versus Product

#85. Process Versus Product

I once heard someone say that in business there is an expression that states that “we can control the process, we cannot control the product.” And for days after hearing those words I was troubled; it really irked me. But why? Now, before launching into that,...
#84. Digging

#84. Digging

Are our students not listening to us, or are we not saying anything they want to hear? Though that sentence is grammatically a mess, it does pose a good question. When my students “tune me out” is it that they don’t understand what I am saying, don’t think it applies...
#83. What You’re Made Of

#83. What You’re Made Of

Before your next rehearsal or class simply write this wonderful quote by an unknown author on the board: “The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.” Then at the start of rehearsal just stand...
#82. Roses In Winter

#82. Roses In Winter

To paraphrase the words of James M. Barrie: We have the gift of memory so that we might have roses in the dead of winter. Though those profound words can be applied to so many things in life, for us as music teachers I think they help remind us of the importance of...