#239. The Salmon Principle

#239. The Salmon Principle

When it comes to recruiting and retention, all too often and unintentionally, I feel we practice what I call The Salmon Principle of Recruiting and Retention. We recruit as many beginning students as we can, teach them the best we can, and hope they make it to...
#238. “A Marvelous Feast”

#238. “A Marvelous Feast”

I believe that a great part of our responsibility as educators is to explain what we teach, impart why it is important, promote the benefits of it, and show how it is rewarding to every stakeholder: students, parents, administrators, teachers of other disciplines, and...
#237. Like Vitamins

#237. Like Vitamins

When thinking about being an advocate for music education, I immediately go to wanting to spread the word about the facts, data, and statistics of how music impacts a student’s life: how it improves test scores, grade point averages, college entrance, future job...