Boonshaft’s Blog
#153. It Takes Time
About 45 years ago, in an undergraduate psychology class, I learned that it took 21 days to develop a new habit. At that time, while studying to be a teacher, I remember thinking...
#152. One Will Get You Ten
No matter what teaching environment we find ourselves in now, I think we can all be well-served to remember the current research that tells us that people are like parking...
#151. Practice What?
In that so much of our students’ playing time will be done practicing at home, we can augment what they are doing to challenge them, enhance their growth, provide variety, and...
#150. The Box
Now, maybe more than ever these words of Deepak Chopra seem to describe what we as music teachers need to do every day: “Instead of thinking outside the box; get rid of the box.”...
#149. Feedback
Keeping every student engaged in a virtual lesson or rehearsal when they are playing “one at a time” is daunting to say the least. Wandering minds, blank stares, and dazed looks...
#148. “Silence Is Golden”
Whether we are teaching completely remotely or in a hybrid model of some kind, “screen fatigue” is an ever-present concern. The best way to ward off this silent problem is to...
#147. “We Teach Music…”
So much about being a music teacher has changed in the past months. How’s that for an understatement of epic proportions?! Much of how we taught in the past has had to...
#146. Assumptions
In his wonderful book, Expect The Unexpected Or You Won’t Find It, Roger von Oech shares a fabulous story that is as insightful as it is adorable. “Folklore has it that explorer...
#145. “Practice Makes Perfect”
I’m guessing the only saying about practicing that is more famous than the words that title this blog are those from the story of a visitor to New York City who asked a local,...