Boonshaft’s Blog
#6. Where Are We Headed?
"If we don’t change the direction we are going," a Chinese proverb suggests, "we are likely to end up where we are heading." Peter Loel Boonshaft,...
#5. Mr. Jacobs
I recently met a young man – a college freshman – who excitedly talked about his goal of someday being a music teacher. I asked him about what led him to...
#4. One More Rehearsal
If you knew that your next rehearsal would be your last rehearsal, how would it be different? Time is a gift promised to no one. Peter Loel Boonshaft,...
#3. Familiarity Breeds Ignoring
Choose one thing you regularly do in rehearsal. It could be anything: one phrase you say just before you start conducting, one activity you do in a...
#2. Habitual Sight
Have you noticed yourself looking at the same few students as you teach or conduct? I do, and I find they fall into two categories: those who are always...
#1. Hmmm…
I saw an advertisement while walking through an airport today. It read, “Tomorrow will be nothing like today.” And it bothered me, but I couldn’t figure...
Back to School Message
That first day of school is approaching. And with it comes many thoughts and feelings: worries about everything that needs to be done the first few days...