#164. Appreciating

#164. Appreciating

Having heard savvy sayings like “You’ll never appreciate what you had until it’s gone” throughout my life I have come to realize the absolute truth in those words. But maybe those powerful words ring true now more than ever. It had been 464 days – 11,136 hours – since...
#163. “…The Way Things Turned Out”

#163. “…The Way Things Turned Out”

It seems that every day brings something different about our “new normal.” And though much is new; nothing seems normal. We are constantly needing to adapt, reverse course, shift, adjust, restructure, and change our approaches, methods and techniques on a dime. We...
#162. What Will They Remember?

#162. What Will They Remember?

Someday, hopefully soon, this pandemic will be over. The world will get back to what we all remember and long for. Kids will once again be crammed into band rooms and on stages like sardines in a can. We’ll once again be able to “high five” students who meet with...
#161. “Eat That!”

#161. “Eat That!”

In the days of cavemen and cavewomen, Leslie Goldman wrote, “because life was precarious and food was scarce, when we spotted fruit, seeds, or grass, our brains shouted, ‘Eat that!’ We ate the berries, they tasted good, and that in turn prompted our brains to release...
#160. Beauty

#160. Beauty

Some of you may have heard me speak about my mantra. Believe it or not, I only have one. Though I believe a lot of things, espouse many beliefs, and am adamant about many ideas, I have only one thing that rises to the level of being my personal mantra. I have held it...