#237. Like Vitamins

#237. Like Vitamins

When thinking about being an advocate for music education, I immediately go to wanting to spread the word about the facts, data, and statistics of how music impacts a student’s life: how it improves test scores, grade point averages, college entrance, future job...
#234. Familiarity Breeds Ignoring

#234. Familiarity Breeds Ignoring

Most anything used once has an impact. But used too often, and that very same thing loses its intensity and power. Basically, the more we see or hear something, the more we tend to ignore it and not pay attention to it. That is certainly true, abundantly true, when it...
#233. Isolate To Conquer

#233. Isolate To Conquer

One of the most important aspects of a good warm-up exercise is that it isolates the concept being addressed. So often I hear an ensemble play an exercise that is meant to help teach balance, blend, intonation, dynamics, and articulation all at the same time. An...